HOUSTON — Flood safety in the Houston area is crucial due to the city’s susceptibility to heavy rainfall and hurricanes. Here are key strategies and tips for flood safety:

Before a Flood

  1. Stay Informed: Sign up for local alerts and weather updates. Use NOAA Weather Radio and trusted news sources.
  2. Create a Plan: Develop an evacuation plan for your family. Know your community’s evacuation routes.
  3. Build an Emergency Kit: Include essentials like water, non-perishable food, medications, flashlight, batteries, and important documents.
  4. Purchase Flood Insurance: Standard homeowners’ insurance does not cover flooding. Look into the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
  5. Prepare Your Home: Elevate electrical appliances, waterproof the basement, and install check valves to prevent backups.

During a Flood

  1. Follow Instructions: Heed warnings and directives from local authorities. Evacuate if advised.
  2. Avoid Floodwaters: Do not walk, swim, or drive through floodwaters. Turn around, don’t drown.
  3. Move to Higher Ground: If trapped, move to the highest level of your home, preferably the roof, and signal for help.

After a Flood

  1. Stay Informed: Continue listening to authorities for updates and instructions.
  2. Avoid Contaminated Water: Do not drink tap water until it is declared safe. Avoid contact with floodwater, which may be contaminated.
  3. Inspect Your Home: Check for structural damage before re-entering. Wear protective gear during cleanup to avoid injury or exposure to hazardous materials.
  4. Document Damage: Take photos and keep records for insurance claims.

Local Resources and Measures

  • Flood Warning Systems: The Harris County Flood Control District provides real-time information on rainfall and bayou levels.
  • Drainage Infrastructure: Houston has extensive bayou systems, reservoirs, and flood tunnels designed to manage excess water.
  • Community Programs: Engage with local community preparedness programs and resources like Ready Harris for additional support and information.

Staying informed, prepared, and responsive to official guidance are key to ensuring safety during flood events.

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