Nowadays, organizing your digital possessions, such as beloved photos and videos, and backing up important data, like school and business records, is just as important as keeping your physical surroundings orderly.

Why is backing up data so important? Because so many things can go wrong: from spilling water on your laptop to losing your phone to experiencing a natural disaster. Plus, there’s cybersecurity to think about — a PC infected by malware is a common cause of data loss.

If you’re like most people and have precious data you want to protect, a common rule of thumb for keeping important files from disappearing forever is the 3-2-1 rule:

• Have three total copies of your data.

• Save copies on two different types of media or devices.

• Keep one backup copy off-site in case of disaster.

“Whether it’s a senior thesis, your business plan or cherished family photos and videos, if it’s important to you, back it up,” says Nitin Kachhwaha, director of product management, Western Digital. “Having a practical 3-2-1 backup strategy in place is essential to providing peace of mind and preserving your files for the future.”

Look for storage solutions to back up your data and are designed to complement your life with massive space to store your files, ranging from 4TB to 22TB of capacity. Try to find a hard drive that comes with storage up to 6TB, which is the world’s highest capacity 2.5-inch drive. This could be a great storage companion for those with an on-the-go lifestyle, equipped with password protection for an extra level of security. (Actual user capacity may be less, depending on operating environment. Download and installation required. Terms and conditions apply. User account registration may be required.)

These days, decluttering doesn’t just refer to nixing household clutter and cleaning out closets, it also includes organizing your digital life by helping to protect your treasured and sensitive data.

By: Brandpoint

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