Dozens of women and girls gathered at The African American Library at the Gregory School for the official launch of The Sowing Circle, a new book club created by local entrepreneur and philanthropist, Carla Lane. Lane’s nonprofit organization, This Woman’s Work, formed a partnership with the Houston Public Library to create The Sowing Circle, which serves as an intimate and safe space for girls and women to express themselves. At the event, the group discussed the popular title The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer.

Lane says the club was inspired by sewing circles that took place during slavery, where women would pass along traditions and knowledge to one another and younger generations.

“Post slavery sewing circles continued to be a place where family history, cultural beliefs and wisdom were exchanged. It is from this historical context and the unique opportunity that book clubs provide that we decided as a group of women to start a book club that we would call the Sowing Circle. Although we will not actually sew or quilt, we will ‘sow’ seeds of wisdom, hope and love in the lives of those who participate,” says Lane.

Books allow you to go somewhere you’ve never been before,” Lane said. “So many times as adults we get so busy that we don’t pick up books anymore, but that’s what thoughts are. Everything you want to know, usually someone has thought about it. Even if you don’t agree with a word they’ve written, it makes you think; it makes you form an opinion, and then you get to talk about it with other people and refine your opinion. That’s what this [book club] is.”

In addition to the monthly get-togethers, women and girls in other cities take part in the discussions through virtual book clubs.

The next book The Sowing Circle will discuss is Barracoon by prolific author Zora Neal Hurston. It details the true story of Cudjo Lewis, the last living person to have been brought from African to America as a slave.

For more information about the Sowing Circle, visit

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