With primaries around the corner, the ethnic vote is more important now than ever before. Voter turnout in Harris and Fort Bend counties has steadily declined. The question is why? Is it a lack of voter confidence, voter apathy, and/or simply voting regulations that deter voters from going to the polls during regular election days/hours?

Houston Ethnic Media Service recently hosted a briefing with veteran legislators and community leaders as they shared examples of why the ethnic vote still matters and the impact it has had on policy changes.

The panel included the following leaders, who shared remarks on why the ethnic votes matter to them:

  • AJ Durrani, Treasurer, EMGAGE-TX – “In the 2020 election in Georgia, Biden won by 12,000 votes. 61,000 Muslims had voted. If they had not voted in his favor, he may not have won Georgia…. Don’t sit out this election. Work and vote now… The Muslim vote can be a swing factor, the margin of victory, and more so in these elections.”
  • Gene Wu, State Representative, District 137 Texas House of Representatives – “I’m here to tell you that [your vote] absolutely matters… This is so important for Ethnic media to report on… to say when we come together, we can do great things… This is a dangerous time for all ethnic communities, for all immigrant communities for all communities of color… you’ve watched the Republican-controlled State House, the Republican-controlled Congress roll things back that our communities fought for… all those things are very quietly in the middle of the night being rolled back, being taken away and you’re being told to shut and accept it.”
  • Jeffrey L. Boney, City Councilmember, Missouri City, Texas – “In one of my subdivisions called Vicksburg, for many years, the residents in that area, particularly the African Americans, wanted their street names changed. One of the street names in Missouri City in that subdivision was named after the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forrest…. I got with our city attorney, and I realized that we had an ordinance in place about street name changes, where you had to get 90% of the residents on that street to sign a petition… If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”
  • Penny Morales Shaw, State Representative, 148th District Texas House of Representatives – “No vote, no voice… In my election, I had five races… and ultimately, I won by 200 votes… If your vote didn’t really matter, there wouldn’t be all of this aggressive legislation to curtail voting.”
  • Teneshia Hudspeth, Chief Elections Official, Harris County Clerk, Texas – “Out of 2.5M registered voters, a little over 30K have voted early (as of 2/22) … in Harris County, we have 79 early voting sites for the 12 days of early voting…and on election day there will be more than 545 polling locations for voters to vote at election day… harrisvotes.com is the website for you.”

Hudspeth shared, “This is passion work for me… it is in me.”


Political Representation: The ethnic vote is crucial for ensuring adequate representation in government. Their voting preferences can determine the candidates who get elected and the level of representation that group has in legislative bodies.

Social Issues: Different ethnic groups may have distinct cultural, social, or economic concerns. Politicians may need to address these issues to connect with and gain the support of these communities.

Swing Votes: In closely contested elections, the support of specific ethnic groups can be the deciding factor. Politicians may target swing ethnic votes to gain an advantage over their opponents and secure victory.

Diversity in Decision-Making: A diverse electorate contributes to a more representative and inclusive political system. Acknowledging the importance of the ethnic vote encourages politicians to consider a broader range of perspectives and experiences in their decision-making processes.

Community Influence: Ethnic communities often have social networks, community leaders, and influencers who can mobilize and guide their members’ voting decisions. Winning the support of these influencers can be essential for political campaigns.

Changing Demographics: In areas experiencing demographic shifts, like Harris and Fort Bend counties, certain ethnic groups are growing and/or declining, and understanding the ever-evolving ethnic vote becomes crucial for adapting political strategies and policies.


The bottom line is recognizing the significance of the ethnic vote allows politicians to engage with and address the concerns of different communities within a diverse electorate.

Important Dates to Remember:

Early Voting: February 20th – March 1, 2024

Primary Election Day: March 5, 2024

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