By Rhonda Dallas, B.S., CLC, CNC.

I am a Michael Jackson Fan. When I thought and prayed about what to write The Man in The Mirror song kept playing in my head. The lyrics rang out as I put pen to paper. The words which simply say,

I’m gonna make a change,
For once I’m my life
It’s gonna feel real good,
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
(Man in the mirror, oh yeah!)
I’m asking him to change his ways
(Better change!)
No message could have been any clearer
(If you want to make the world a better place)

Lyrics by Michael Jackson

As a Certified Health Advocate I say if you do not like what you see in the mirror, make a change, if you do not like what the Doctors are saying about your health, make a change. Look in that mirror today and make a change! I know what you are saying, it’s easier said than done. I know we all have struggles with Food, Working out and living a healthier life.


We must look in the mirror and start there. This can be done by first believing you can do it. Look at yourself and tell yourself “Yes I Can.” Do not allow other people and life’s challenges defeat you so quickly. Being and staying focused will be very vital.

Secondly, start by light weight exercising as I call it. Walk around the house and up and down the stairs in your own home. Look in the mirror and do stretches allowing the body to become limber before you work yourself up to heavy weight.

Next, take a field trip to the grocery store and look for fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Try to abstain from canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. Find a grocery store that you are comfortable with getting fresh items. For your meats, try to stick with fresh seafood, turkey to replace beef when you can and chicken. Look for items that do not have a great deal of nitrates and other ingredients that you (or me) cannot even pronounce.

Lastly, learn how to or continue your quiet time. Get away and write, read and just meditate on things that are from above. Try to limit TV where commercials will entice you to go out and get fast food knowing you have groceries in the refrigerator. I know for me, if I already have my food prepared, I am less likely to go get something not so nutritious.

It’s going to take time, so be patient with yourself. Rome was not built overnight! We are going to make a difference in our lives and ultimately in the lives of others by sharing what we have learned from our own lives. It’s going to be fun to look in the mirror and see the change right before our eyes.

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