Find some tips below to make you feel comfortable with bringing green into your home.​
The Benefits of Using Plants in Your Home

Plants help to reduce the amount of noise without altering the overall design of the space. Plants affect our overall sense of well-being. They help to provide feelings of pleasure, calm, and relief from “attention fatigue”. Indoor plants and their containers act as accessories within any interior design. Incorporate plants to your overall design and help to create the overall look and feel of the space adding the right touch to any space. Also having fun with plants mimic the outdoors and create a sense of casualness and a family-friendly atmosphere.

Niches and Special Areas

​Use niches and special areas that could serve more than one purpose and artfully display well-chosen plant and pots within your space. A glass terrarium on a coffee table is portable and an easy element to move around in certain times of the year. It can also be hung. The plants in a terrarium are kept out of direct light. Glass is a great design element for plants, they allow for light and don’t look as heavy as planters do. Small succulents and cacti create a point of interest.​ They give the illusion of having accents without taking up lots of room space!

Herbs in the Kitchen

Create a kitchen environment that allows for the chef to pick herbs right from your garden or create a small herb container installed in the kitchen window to make the most of the light and provide edible plants like basil, thyme and oregano.

Fact:​ Plants provide a wealth of health and well-being benefits to those who work within the living environment.

Drawing Attention with Specimen Plants

Large specimen plants can be used alone to draw attention due to their size and shape. Specimen plants are usually 12 to 14 feet tall or more. Palms, ficus trees, and certain dracaenas are most often grown for this purpose. Plants with unusual forms act as living sculptures and are often used as a focal point. For example, marginata (Dracaena cincta) can be grown with interesting twists and bends on its trunk, and eugenias or ficus trees can be pruned into topiary shapes. Keep any other plants in the area simple and low to the ground so the focal plant stands out.

The Effects of Color

Plants can add splashes and dashes of color to an otherwise monotone setting. We think of plants as being green, yet there are many shades of green. Leaves can vary from deep green to olive green, blue-green, silver-green, or neon-lime green. Plants add a sense of luxury and prestige to a space.

People subconsciously associate tropical plants with success. Ferns, palms, and flowering plants are especially effective in creating a luxurious ambiance. 

If you tend to stay away from plants because of the maintenance and attention needed you can use silk options as an alternative.

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