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With many schools continuing to meet remotely, students nationwide have lacked access to on-campus music facilities and in-person instruction. Fortunately, there are some new avenues and resources that are making music education at home a viable prospect.

• At Home Skill-Building: The growing library of online musical education classes provided by The Lincoln Center offers students everywhere with supplemental learning material they can revisit again and again. From body percussion to music composition, a wide range of educational content touching on a vast range of skills and genres is available for learners of all ages.

• Instrumentation: Committed to the educational and academic community, Casio Musical Instruments has been working in partnership with local dealers to provide high-quality keyboards, digital pianos and workstations to students unable to use on-campus resources. The joy of playing an instrument is dependent on an instrument’s sound and feel, and Casio instruments are backed by 40 years of music expertise and are built to inspire students, educators and performers. Designed with learning in mind, Casio’s Education Keyboards are affordable, portable and durable, and have innovative features, including class-compliant USB ports that require no drivers or installation to connect to any Mac, PC, iOS or Android device. This opens up a world of possibilities with MIDI software, as well as Chordana Play apps.

• New Funding: The recently passed COVID-19 Stimulus Package includes over $120 billion for K-12 education, some of which will be earmarked for music education. Music educators can put these funds toward equipment and connectivity that makes virtual learning possible for all families now, and paves the way for a safe return to classroom learning in the future.

• Knowledge Dive: Students can take a free deep music theory dive at The site features lessons — starting with the basics up through advanced theory, learning tools to help make the material stick, as well as exercises to test one’s knowledge.

While music is not necessarily the easiest subject to learn or teach remotely, a wave of recently-introduced resources can help students and teachers continue to meet their educational objectives.

Source: StatePoint

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