As we embark on National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Sisters Network® Inc. is proud to celebrate their 25th Anniversary as the only National African American Breast Cancer survivorship organization in the United States. Over the last 25 years, Sisters Network’s National leadership and affiliate chapter members have made a significant impact by remaining committed to the organization’s mission to increase local and national attention to the devastating impact that breast cancer has in the African American community.


According to the American Cancer Society, though black women get breast cancer at a slightly lower incidence rate than white women, black women are 42% more likely to die of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among black women, and an estimated 33,840 new cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2019. This year, black women will make up 12.5% of all new breast cancer cases and 15.5% of all breast cancer deaths. Additionally, the overall five-year relative survival rate for breast cancer diagnosed is 81% for black women versus 91% for white women. Black women under age 35 get breast cancer at two times the rate of white women and die from breast cancer three times as often as white women.


In honor of Sisters Network Inc.‘s 25 years of service as a leader in the African American breast cancer awareness movement, the organization is celebrating this historic milestone anniversary with a fundraising campaign. Funds raised will be used to secure the necessary resources to support the organization’s outreach initiatives and breast health programs.


“Breast cancer is the most imperative health issue facing African American women. I am proud

of the 25-year impact Sisters Network has made nationally elevating breast cancer awareness in the African American community. As a 26-year and four-time breast cancer survivor, I remain committed to the fight against breast cancer. I know now, more than ever, the critical role Sisters Network continues to play in educating our sisters about the importance of early detection. Our anniversary fundraising initiative will support Sisters Network as we develop new innovative breast health awareness programs to help save our Sisters’ lives. We must Stop the Silence and talk about breast cancer in the African American community, so that our sisters can beat the odds and change these very disturbing statistics,”  said Karen Eubanks Jackson, Founder/CEO, Sisters Network Inc.


“Breast cancer does not need to be a death sentence.  As we position our organization for the next decade, we at Sisters Network Inc. are focused on reducing the mortality rate of breast cancer among African American women.  We are raising funds to strengthen our efforts to educate and empower our community with information on the importance of early detection, to assist our sisters in treatment and to advocate for research for more life-saving treatments and a cure,” said Ricki Fairley, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and National Programs and an 8 year survivor of Stage 3A Triple Negative Breast Cancer.


“Sisters Network looks forward to continuing to be the leading national voice for African American women in the fight against breast cancer,” added Jackson.


Join Sisters Network Inc. in this silver anniversary celebration. Donations can be made at


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