What Every Man Should Know About Making Diet Choices On Super Monday

The Big Game may be behind us, but for many American men, the ‘”get healthier” game is just beginning. Nutrisystem, a division of Wellful, Inc. and a leading provider of health and wellness and weight management solutions, is sharing the results of a new survey, which found that more than half (53%) of American men plan to focus more on their health and wellness goals now that the Big Game is over and football season has come to an end. The survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Nutrisystem among over 1,000 American men.

“We know from previous research that men tend to gain weight during football season,” said Stephen Mikulak, President of Nutrisystem. “The day following the Big Game continues to be a big diet decision day for men. We see many customers placing orders as they want to have a game plan in place to lose weight and get in better shape before summer.” 

Football superfan and executive radio producer, Jason Kaplan, who lost 92 pounds* on Nutrisystem, says he is no stranger to the toll that football season can take on your health and wellness.

“Before I lost weight with Nutrisystem, I was eating anything and everything on game day. Pizza, burgers, wings. You name it, I had it,” says Kaplan. “But now, I’ve learned how to make better choices. Don’t get me wrong, I let myself indulge from time to time, but I’m not chowing down non-stop during the games like I was before.”

This year, in particular, health and wellness seem to be on the minds of many men. In a previously released OnePoll conducted on behalf of Nutrisystem, 71% of men ages 30+ agree that one of their main health goals over the next 12 months is to lose weight. What’s more, 82% of them said they have a better opportunity to focus on their health in the next year, with 54% saying they feel more motivated.

“When it comes to getting healthier, men are looking for a simple plan that won’t leave them constantly hungry,” adds Mikulak. “That’s exactly what Nutrisystem provides. The program is protein-heavy to help curb cravings, plus it’s easy and it works. We find that men are happy to know they can still eat their favorites like pasta and burgers, while at the same time losing weight.”

SOURCE Nutrisystem, Inc.

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