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Falling in love comes easily, but maintaining that love requires effort. The goal of marriage is to find your perfect match and live happily ever after. While the idea of “happily ever after” may not always be realistic, it is possible to create a satisfying marriage. Here are four essential tips to lay the groundwork for a fulfilling relationship.

Tip One: Establish a Covenant, Not a Contract A contractual marriage is based on the expectation that personal needs will be met. Couples agree to stay committed if they feel love and their needs are fulfilled. Many couples unknowingly approach marriage with this mindset, and when these conditions are no longer met, divorce becomes an option. Once divorce enters the picture, one or both partners emotionally disengage before physically separating.

A covenant marriage, on the other hand, is founded on biblical principles, and divorce is only considered in cases of abandonment, abuse, or adultery. In a covenant marriage, couples commit to the long term and explore every avenue to make things work. Despite challenges, this type of marriage can lead to overall satisfaction. The key is to ensure that both partners share the same values, views on marriage, and level of commitment.

Tip Two: Address Your Own Imperfections Many personal shortcomings stem from childhood and may not become apparent until you enter a relationship. Controlling behavior, defensiveness, passive-aggressive tendencies, excessive independence, and abusive behaviors are just a few examples that may go unresolved before entering a partnership. Each individual needs to take responsibility for their own toxic traits and work towards healing. Acknowledging your weaknesses allows you to understand your role in conflicts and develop empathy for your partner. Rather than blaming your spouse for problems, it’s important to seek personal counseling and address your own behaviors first.

Tip Three: Treat Your Spouse as an Equal Equality in decision-making and power dynamics is crucial in a marriage. It’s not uncommon for one spouse to assert dominance and impose their opinions on the more passive partner, which can lead to discord and resentment. It’s important to be aware of these behaviors and strive for a balanced partnership where both partners feel heard and respected.

Tip Four: Cultivate Emotional Connection Couples often have no trouble building a strong bond in the early stages of a relationship, but over time, as other life events take priority, the relationship can take a back seat. One of the primary ways to deepen emotional connection is by understanding your spouse’s love language. Love languages can be expressed through compliments, physical affection, sexual or emotional intimacy, quality time, or acts of service. Regularly speaking your partner’s love language demonstrates genuine love and a desire to make them happy. Neglecting this aspect of the relationship by prioritizing work, children, or other activities can be detrimental. Learning effective communication and conflict resolution skills from a relationship specialist is essential for developing deeper intimacy and emotional bonds.

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