God has smiled on this ministry, and The R.O.C.K. is now adding to its ministry portfolio. The R.O.C.K. is not the typical church, and its founder and senior leader, Dr. Dana Carson, is not the typical church leader. Instead of using 2020 as a time for rest and relaxation, which he and the ministry definitely needed, Dr. Carson led The R.O.C.K. in accomplishing one of the ministry’s largest goals – acquiring the new R.O.C.K. Cathedral, Conference Center, and Kingdom Theological Seminary, formerly the Park Place Baptist Church and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, located at 4101 Broadway (Houston, TX 77087).
According to Dr. Carson, “The year 2020 was not just a year of disruption for our world, but it was also a year of divine disruption for God’s church!” For over 10 years, the church had attempted to acquire this campus, but had been unable to due to challenges beyond their control. But in spite of all of their challenges, the church believes that God worked a miracle when the 100,000+ sq.ft. campus was offered to them for purchase in February 2020! The owners offered The R.O.C.K. this magnificent campus just one month before the world entered into a mandatory shelter in place, and all churches were forced to close their doors due to the pandemic. This is why Dr. Carson and the church believe that 2020 was a divine disruption. Carson stated, “Why would God open the door for this campus NOW? Why would He wait until the world was about to experience a global shutdown and tell us to rise and build? Because it was a divine disruption, and God knows what He has in store for His church and us as a ministry!”
The R.O.C.K. is a Bible-centered, Spirit-filled, Community-building, and Kingdom-minded church that desires to impact all generations, and the world, for the Kingdom of God. Its ministry programs are strategically outlined to execute the church’s vision.
The Kingdom Theological Seminary (KTS)
Dr. Dana Carson is giving birth to the ‘first of its kind’ Kingdom Theological Seminary. This is a relevant and prophetic seminary, opening on the heels of racial division and disparity in Southern Baptist seminaries over the critical race theory. The irony of this purchase is that, for a decade, the Southwestern Baptist Texas Convention (SBTC) refused to sell the Park Place Baptist Church and the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary campus to The R.O.C.K. based on denominational and ethnic discriminations – The R.O.C.K. is an African American-led, Kingdom-minded, and Spirit-filled church. But despite their challenges, Dr. Carson and The R.O.C.K. were able to secure the purchase of the seminary and the former Park Place Baptist Church in May 2020, while continuing to provide ministry to the Houston area. Let’s take a look at the Kingdom Theological Seminary!
Research suggests that over 95% of all pastors and church leaders have no theological training. And when it comes to African Americans, this number increases substantially. There is a tremendous void for theological training for black and brown clergy worldwide. Dr. Carson has filled this void by providing the Kingdom Theological Seminary, which focuses on the Kingdom of God rather than the sociological church. The KTS teaching staff and faculty consist of some of the most prominent scholarly practitioners in the Body of Christ who have teamed together from every denominational background to form a Kingdom theological seminary that can reach the world with a sound and highly credible theological education.
Why Does the KTS Focus on the Kingdom of God?
In addition to biblical illiteracy, one of the other challenges within Christianity today is the great divide that exists in churches over racism, classism, sexism, and denominationalism. These struggles are the result of not accurately teaching the scriptures, because those who interpreted the scriptures removed them from their original context. Dr. Dana Carson, the founder and chancellor of KTS, believes that through KTS, many church leaders and serious Bible students will get the opportunity to learn theology in its original Jewish context, devoid of the effects of Romanization, Europeanization, Colonization, Westernization, and Americanization of the gospel, which Carson termed “the five watersheds.” Carson states:
“Unfortunately, these watersheds have had a negatively profound impact on Christianity worldwide, but particularly in America. We saw this in 2020 when many white Evangelical churches didn’t stand up against racism in the events of George Floyd and other African Americans who were murdered at the hands of white police officers. We saw it again in the 2020 election when white Evangelicals proclaimed former President, Donald Trump, to be God’s choice, and then pronounced curses upon those who stole the election. Thus, it’s time for us to understand the scriptures as they were intended to be understood.” – The Five Watersheds of History and Theology, 2020

The mission of KTS is to provide a more balanced look at the scriptures. KTS will give students the opportunity to hear from black and brown scholars who are academically trained and equipped to teach at the highest level of academia.
The KTS Difference: What Makes KTS Different from Other Seminaries?
The Kingdom Theological Seminary is considered to be a disruptive seminary that takes a holistic approach to theological training and is designed to prepare students for hands-on instruction customized to each learner’s need. Oftentimes, when students complete the traditional model of seminary, they are unable to use 85% of the things they learned in practical ministry. KTS is designed to prepare the learner for 21st century ministry that is based upon their interests, areas, and focuses in ministry. What else makes KTS different from other seminaries?
- It’s Affordable – It’s the place where you can study for the rest of your life without having student loans for the rest of your life.
- It’s Achievable – It offers 8-week courses, which cater to the needs of adult learners.
- It’s Accessible – It offers courses both online and on campus. You can enroll in the KTS no matter where you are in the world!
- It’s Credible – The faculty and staff consist of major scholarly practitioners in the Body of Christ with earned masters and doctorate degrees in theology and related fields of study.
- It’s Customizable – It allows you to customize your education to fit your individual ministry needs. You can choose certification modules or individual classes that can be applied toward your degree. KTS is truly “disruptive” – it doesn’t force a set of unusable courses on you and waste your time and money. Instead, students are able to put together their own cluster of certifications that best fit their ministry needs. KTS provides a custom-designed theological education and training that is second to none!
Another great feature of KTS is its digital and on the library campus! This library houses world renowned, online, biblical resources that will allow students to research any theological subject at their fingertips through the use of technology.
KTS Education Programs
The Kingdom Theological Seminary is an extension of the online undergraduate school, the Kingdom Bible University (KBU). KTS ensures that students will walk away with the theological tools and resources they need and can begin to use in their ministries immediately after each course and/or certification. KTS offers the following certifications and degree programs:
The certification programs include clusters of five courses in a given subject matter. Each of the certifications can be used as credits towards a degree. Some of the certification topics are:
- Children’s Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Staffing Your Church
- Introduction to the Kingdom
- Personal Finances and Ministry
- Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- Organizational Management
Students will also be able to customize their certification clusters by self-selecting five courses from an array of qualifying course offerings.
Degree Programs
KTS offers five masters programs and two doctoral programs, which include:
- Master of Divinity – The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is a professional degree for the pastoral profession. It is a high-level degree that provides a well-rounded theological education for anyone seeking a theological education.
- Master of Kingdom Theology – The Master of Kingdom Theology (MKT) is our featured and uniquely offered Kingdom degree program. This program is based upon the original Kingdom of God message in its Jewish context. There is not another program in existence that provides this level of expertise and knowledge on the original message of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. This master’s degree was developed by one of the most renowned scholars concerning the Kingdom of God, Dr. Dana Carson. Dr. Carson has written over 200 books in the area of the Kingdom of God. This discipline is what KTS is highly recognized for; it will prepare its students to become highly engaged in 21st century Kingdom ministry.
- Master of Urban Church Growth – The Master of Urban Church Growth (MUCG) focuses upon the development of a biblical Kingdom framework for the evangelistic mission of the church. The program involves analysis of contemporary trends in church growth in the urban context and empowers the learner with effective tools for church growth. The degree focuses on theological, methodological, and contemporary issues in evangelism and church growth. The program focuses on the study of church growth principles with special attention given to theological, cultural, and indigenous principles, which may affect the rate and pattern of church growth. The program also focuses upon church growth in the global context.
- Master of Practical Ministry – The Master of Practical Ministry (MPM) is an advanced degree, equivalent to the M.Div., but is designed to fully prepare learners for practical ministry in the local church. The program is designed to be customized to fit the learners’ ministry environment and ensure that their education is relevant to their ministry context. This program includes course choices such as: entrepreneurship, business, children’s ministry, youth ministry, and other ministry focuses.
- Master of Theology and Leadership – The Master of Theology and Leadership (MTL) is a specialized master’s program that provides the learner both a foundation in theology and leadership. The program provides the tools for biblical studies and effective leadership. The program is designed to assist the learner in their theological pilgrimage, while providing them with the tools needed to lead a ministry, nonprofit, or church organization. Leadership training and education is the secondary focus of the MTL, which makes this degree a very unique but relevant field of study. This degree brings theological reflection and leadership together in a unique program and builds the students’ knowledge of Christian theological traditions, while helping them gain insight and real tools to become a more effective leader in their church, organization, and community.
- Doctor of Ministry in Practical Theology – The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) is the highest-level, professional degree that prepares ministry professionals for effective, full-time ministry. The Doctor of Ministry in Practical Ministry program is a customized degree that focuses upon theological studies with an emphasis in church growth and evangelism, worship, fivefold ministry, leadership and business, and pastoral care ministry. This degree is a professional doctorate that will emphasize the skills used in a practical ministry setting. The degree will assist the leader in improving their leadership, personal disciplines, and congregational growth. This degree requires a ministry project or dissertation and a doctoral board defense.
- Doctor of Kingdom Theology – The Doctor of Kingdom Theology (DKT) degree is an academic degree that blends academics and Kingdom-based ministry. This degree is designed to provide the learner with a deep dive into the Kingdom of God based upon its original Jewish context. This program will study Second Temple Judaism scholars and their work concerning the historical Jesus and His message of the Kingdom of God. The program will involve research and exploration into the Jewish mindset or the Rabbi Jesus and His understanding of the Kingdom of God. The program requires that students have taken both Greek and Hebrew, which will allow them to understand the ancient context of the Kingdom of God. The program requires coursework, an oral exam, a dissertation, and a doctoral board defense.
The Bridge Program
The Bridge Program is a dual degree program, where a person can receive a Bachelor of Kingdom Theology and a Master of Kingdom Theology. The bachelor’s degree (BKT) is designed to provide the learner with a basic theological education that focuses upon the undergraduate level of studies, encompassing a sound holistic theological education with a special emphasis in Kingdom Theology. The master’s degree provides a deeper and more investigative approach to the Kingdom on a graduate level, which includes research and writing. The Bridge Program combines both the bachelor’s and the master’s degrees and reduces the overall courses needed for completion of the undergraduate degree.
For more information about The Kingdom Theological Seminary, please visit ktseminary.com/info.
Cathedral & Conference Center
The R.O.C.K. Cathedral and Conference Center is a 2,300+ seat auditorium that will host worship services, conferences, concerts, and other large events including graduations, weddings, and plays. The conference center also includes a 500-800 seat chapel and commercial kitchen, which can also be rented for community and personal events.
Dr. Carson and The R.O.C.K. believe that the cathedral and conference center will be a beacon of light and a refuge for many in the Southeast Houston community. Even though many churches have yet to open their doors again, The R.O.C.K. believes that it’s just a matter of time. Carson stated, “I completely understand people’s apprehensions about returning to church, because of how serious COVID-19 is. Yet, I also believe that, as a society, we will return to corporate gatherings in the future. For example, entertainment houses like movie theaters, sports arenas, concert venues, etc., are not going to remain closed forever. Thus, I believe the church, as a whole, is eventually going to reopen its doors. And when we do, we have to be ready. We have to continue offering church phygitally (physically and digitally) to reach every generation for the Kingdom of God.”
For campus updates and inquiries, please contact their administrative office at info@TheROCKWOI.com or call 281.824.1960.
Currently, The R.O.C.K. conducts services both online and in-person:
- Every Sunday at 10am and 6pm
- Wednesdays at 7pm at the Edgebrook campus – 9321 Edgebrook Dr. Houston, TX 77075
To protect those who physically attend their services, the church has implemented mask wearing, social distancing, hand sanitizing measures, and temperature checks upon entrance into each building. All buildings are cleaned and professionally sanitized after each service.

Booker T. Washington Empowerment Center
The Booker T. Washington Empowerment Center is a 21st-century approach to community empowerment by providing individuals with access to the skill sets and knowledge that will equip them for both the business and work/career worlds. The BTW Empowerment Center will provide the tools and resources to either obtain employment or begin a business. The uniqueness of this empowerment center is its focus on assisting the underprivileged, primarily those who have challenges entering or reentering the workforce due to the lack of education or a criminal background. This center will house the Carson School of Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Geneva’s School of Culinary & Barista Training, Process Operations Certification, Pharmacy Technician Certification, Information Technology Certification, Louise Coleman-Eubanks School of Nursing, Walker JG School of Electrician Training, and The Empowerment Counseling Center.
Youth and Young Adult Empowerment Center (Edgebrook and Alvin Campuses)
The Youth and Young Adult Empowerment Center will serve to combat the rising rate of youth and young adult homelessness in Southeast Houston. Through this empowerment center, The R.O.C.K. will provide a homeless youth and young adult program that will educate and provide youth and young adults with the necessary resources and skill sets to become healthy and productive citizens of society, including GED and ESL programs.
Vocational Training Center (Edgebrook Campus and Alvin Campuses)
The Vocational Training Center will provide specialty skill set training in the areas of HVAC, carpentry, welding, and plumbing.
Leadership Development and Training Corporation
The Leadership Development and Training Corporation endeavors to both equip and empower leaders to effectively lead with high levels of efficiency in the 21st century. It will provide a youth and young adult leadership program and an online school of leadership.
Carson Academy of Kingdom Excellence School (C.A.K.E.)
Currently, the C.A.K.E. school in the Mukuru Kwa Njenga slum of Nairobi, Kenya, educates nearly 500 children from kindergarten to the 8th grade. Their vision is to establish Carson Academies of Kingdom Excellence (CAKE) throughout the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, and other select countries and continents. These schools will provide children with access to a holistic and quality education that gives them a C.H.A.N.C.E (Children Having Access to Nutrition, Care, and Education) at success in life that is built upon both vision and values. Their vision is also to expand the school into a high school then launch the Exchange Student Program – Back to Africa. This program will partner with HBCUs to provide students the opportunity to come to America to study abroad and gain the knowledge and skill sets they need to go back and strengthen their countries.
A.C.T.S. Athletics Program
The Assisting Children Towards Success (A.C.T.S.) Corporation is a mentoring and motivation program with the purpose of identifying male and female children and youth between the ages of 10-18 who desire to improve their athletic skill sets, while working towards a foundation for success through scholastic achievement. Through their three full court gymnasiums and outdoor sports courts, this athletics program will conduct children and youth basketball leagues, church basketball leagues, the Carson Summer Classic basketball tournament, skill camps, and tournaments.
Perpetuity Construction Company
The Perpetuity Construction Company will be located in Alvin, TX. This company will specialize in design, engineering, project management, and construction. This company will be open for public clients and provide access to an architectural design firm and real estate services.
Kingdom Wall Street (221 acres)
In 2016, The R.O.C.K. burned the mortgage on 221 acres in the Rosharon, Texas, area (FM 521 and FM 1462), just 30 minutes south of downtown Houston. This land will host retail centers, restaurants, clothing stores, grocery stores, a banking and investment corporation, a leadership development and team building corporation, a business incubator, and a center for technology. This initiative will also host a vocational program, which will include training programs such as, HVAC, electrician, plumbing, culinary, healthcare professions, and basic engineering skills. This land will also house an elite private school (Pre-K through 12th grade), an African American studies center and library, a center for economic empowerment, a R.O.C.K. church campus, park areas around the detention ponds, an entertainment center and a performing arts center, housing developments, senior living facilities, a healthcare center, a convention center and hotels, and a camping and farming site.

“The year 2020 was not just a year of disruption for our world, but it was also a year of divine disruption for God’s church! Why would God open the door for our campus expansion NOW? Why would He wait until the world was about to experience a global shutdown and tell us to rise and build? Because it was a divine disruption, and God knows what He has in store for His church and us as a ministry!” – Dr. Dana Carson, Chief Executive Officer of The R.O.C.K.
The R.O.C.K. is a multi-generational, multicultural, multi-continent, and multi-campus church with a mission to know God, make Him known to others, and spread the Kingdom message worldwide. Their goal is to help usher as many people as possible into the Kingdom of God through participating in evangelism and discipleship. For more information on The R.O.C.K., please visit www.TheROCKWOI.com.