By Frenetta Tate

As we stand on the threshold of International Women’s Day and embark on the journey of Women’s History Month, it’s crucial to pause and ponder the amazing strides we’ve made and the noticeable obstacles that still lie ahead. This is not simply a commemoration; it’s a call to action, a testament to the resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit of women worldwide.

Women are powerful beyond measure. It is in the very fabric of our society that women have woven threads of courage, determination, and vast potential. Yet, despite undeniable contributions to this world, women continue to grapple with systemic inequalities, gender-based violence, and the pervasive glass ceilings that hinder our progress. The current landscape of women’s issues is both a battlefield and a sanctuary— a battleground where we confront injustices head-on and a sanctuary where we find solace in sisterhood, solidarity, and shared purpose.

A diverse group of beautiful women with natural beauty and glowing smooth skin. Portrait of many attractive female fashion models with great skincare of all races, tones and style

One of the prevailing trends in women’s issues today is the unyielding demand for gender equality in all spheres of life. From boardrooms to classrooms, from legislative chambers to living rooms, women are advocating for equitable representation, fair wages, and opportunities devoid of discrimination. Various advocacy movements have ignited a global reckoning, laying bare the prevalence of crimes against women while mobilizing survivors to reclaim their voices and own their narratives.

Moreover, the pandemic has exacerbated existing disparities, disproportionately impacting women, particularly women of color and disregarded communities. From facing heightened risks of job loss to pervasive economic instability, women have borne the brunt of this crisis, yet women rise!

Amidst the adversity, we’ve witnessed the resilience of the feminine spirit, the power of womanhood, as women have emerged as CEOs, entrepreneurs, frontline workers, innovators, agents of change and pivot queens.

Portrait of a diverse group of young women standing together against a gray wall outside

While women’s experiences are diverse, complex, and interconnected, encompassing race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, ability, and other dimensions of identity; we also must be inclusive, centering the voices and experiences of all women, particularly those at the margins.

While taking action and standing in solidarity are important, unapologetic self-love and empowerment are the foundations that beckon us to come closer. For some, that foundation is either non-existent, crumbling, or being gradually chipped away. It is time to love ourselves to wholeness and affirm our worth.

Throughout this Women’s History Month, let us honor the past, celebrate the present, and envision a future where every woman and girl can thrive, unencumbered by barriers or bias. Let’s also celebrate the creativity and cultural contributions of women. From art and literature to music and film, women enrich our lives and broaden our horizons. Let’s amplify their voices and ensure their stories are heard and valued. Above all, let us honor ourselves, our purpose, our values, and our beliefs.

There is no doubt that women possess the power to transform the world, and it is imperative for us to recognize and embrace this inherent strength. By understanding the depth of our power and harnessing it to uplift and empower others, we can truly make a real and sustainable difference.

Woman with her two beautiful daughters. Portrait of beautiful mother and daughters looking at camera while at home.

Bound together by our collective strength and wisdom, we hold the key to unlocking even more extraordinary achievements far beyond this moment in time.

To all women, as we revel in the beautiful focus on us this month, let us affirm the undeniable truth of our worth, the unyielding power of our voices, and the limitless potential that resides within each of us through these powerful affirmations:

  • I am worthy of respect, dignity, and equality in all aspects of my life.
  • My voice is powerful and my story matters. I will not be silenced or diminished.
  • I embrace my strength, resilience, and ability to overcome any obstacle.
  • I stand in solidarity with my sisters, amplifying their voices and advocating for their rights.
  • I reject societal standards of beauty and embrace my unique identity and worth.
  • I deserve to occupy spaces where decisions are made, contributing my wisdom and expertise.
  • I celebrate the diversity of womanhood, recognizing that our differences are our greatest strengths.
  • I commit to dismantling systems of oppression and building a more just and equitable world for future generations.
  • I am a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change.

Embrace the power of womanhood. You are powerful beyond measure.

About the Author

Frenetta Tate is an award-winning author, inspirational orator, and certified women’s empowerment coach. Follow @frenettatate on social media.

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