Starting a small business is no small feat. It requires vision, passion, dedication and an appreciation that your business is a vital part of local, national and global communities. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the backbone of economies globally. According to the World Economic Forum, SMBs make up 90% of all companies and create nearly 70% of jobs and gross domestic products worldwide.

Considering the importance and impact of SMBs and the grit and determination it takes to establish your own, small business owners deserve to be celebrated. One fun way many founders are commemorating this accomplishment is by throwing a “small business shower.”

What is a small business shower?

Small business showers are celebrations that recognize the biggest milestone in an entrepreneur’s career – starting or scaling a business. A shower brings together friends, family, colleagues and the broader community to help support and cheer on those embarking on a new career journey, whether they are an experienced business owner entering a new market or a “solopreneur” starting their first business. By offering encouragement, business connections or resources and perhaps even financial support, throwing a small business shower is a fun way to celebrate your accomplishments while preparing to propel your business forward.

Why should I throw a shower?

You may feel a little shy about throwing a small business shower. However, we throw celebrations for so many life events, from birthdays to weddings to baby showers. Why not recognize the hard work that goes into starting or expanding a business?

If you’re still unsure, consider how small business showers can create an impact beyond the business owner alone. By bringing together a community of friends, family and like-minded local business owners who can offer advice and encouragement, a network of powerful, collaborative, and supportive individuals is formed. These gatherings are a great reminder of how important it is to invest in each other’s success and growth – and what can be accomplished when we do.

How do I throw one?

There’s no right or wrong way to throw a small business shower. The event can be virtual, in-person or both. You can host the event at home, in your business space or at your favorite restaurant.

However you choose to throw your shower, have fun putting it together. Consider creating eye-catching invites, incorporating thoughtful decorations, making or catering food and setting up engaging games for your guests. Then, enjoy! And who knows? Maybe it will inspire someone you know to start their own business.

Finding the right partner to jumpstart your business

As you reflect on your business, it is important to think about how you’re preparing for success and future growth. One of the most critical elements to ensure your success is finding the right partners from the beginning, especially when it comes to technology.

The right tech partner will understand the unique challenges and opportunities entrepreneurs face throughout their business journey, creating an environment where leaders can navigate any challenge and drive their business to success. In doing so, they can also empower SMB owners to celebrate their successes while providing premium, reliable and quality technology.

In the same way that SMBs need a community to support them, they also need the right business partners who believe in their potential.

Your accomplishments deserve recognition. Let these tips inspire you to commemorate these moments and bring your own small business shower to life.

By: Brandpoint

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