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Exercising, maintaining a healthy diet, and achieving consistent weight loss are typically the top priorities when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. However, as we are a few months into the year, it’s crucial to provide some reinforcement to help you stay on track.

Our readers often ask us how to stick to their resolutions, and we have addressed this topic in-depth in our dedicated article. Additionally, if getting fit is your goal this year, we have compiled a list of the most significant fitness trends for 2023, as determined by our experts.

What makes this list particularly appealing is its inclusivity, catering to individuals of all fitness levels and body types. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer looking for something fresh and exhilarating to try, these exercise trends offer something for everyone.

Top Fitness Trends for 2023:

1. Wearable Technology

Enhance your fitness routine with the aid of cutting-edge technology. It’s time to make an investment in yourself and purchase some wearable tech. The capabilities of wearable tech go far beyond simple step counters and heart rate monitors. It’s truly mind-boggling what wearable tech can achieve nowadays! It can track various statistics such as calories burned, monitor your body temperature, remind you to stand up after prolonged sitting, and even assess the quality of your sleep

2. Free Weight Strength Training

Strength training with free weights is a popular fitness trend in 2023 that can help you build muscle and enhance your muscular fitness. This workout involves using traditional equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells to increase strength and achieve a more defined physique.

3. Bodyweight Training

Taking control of your finances in 2023 and want to avoid spending your hard-earned money on a gym membership? We understand. Gyms can be quite expensive, which is why it’s fantastic to see bodyweight training included in this year’s list of exercise trends. This particular trend involves a variety of movements that utilize your own body weight as resistance, promoting functionality in your workouts.

4. Functional Fitness Training

Functional fitness training is a form of exercise that focuses on improving overall physical strength, flexibility, and endurance. It aims to enhance one’s ability to perform everyday tasks and activities with ease. Functional fitness training involves a variety of exercises that mimic real-life movements and challenges the body in multiple planes of motion. By incorporating functional fitness training into your workout routine, you can enhance your body’s functionality and improve your overall fitness level.

5. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Introducing High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a fitness technique that allows you to burn a significant number of calories without spending excessive time at the gym. This popular workout method consists of short bursts of intense exercise alternating with periods of rest, such as 20 seconds of activity followed by 40 seconds of rest. Not only does HIIT provide an efficient full-body workout, but it also aids in calorie burning at a rapid pace. Additionally, HIIT offers benefits beyond calorie loss, including enhanced strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Furthermore, HIIT is incredibly versatile, as it can be implemented with various exercise modalities, ranging from treadmill running or outdoor activities to cycling and bodyweight exercises.

6. 12-3-30 Workouts

The treadmill, also known as the “dreadmill,” has often received negative feedback in the fitness and exercise community. However, in 2023, it is making a resurgence. One fitness trend known as the “12-3-30” workout has gained popularity on social media and is expected to be the biggest trend in 2023, with a staggering 309% increase in interest. The concept is straightforward: set the treadmill to an incline of 12 and a speed of 3 miles per hour (4.8km), then walk for 30 minutes. Despite its simplicity, this workout proves to be highly effective, as evidenced by numerous social media users sharing impressive results. To make the time go by quicker, we suggest catching up on your favorite Netflix show – 30 minutes will pass in no time.

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